The Department of Science and Technology – Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) has once again partnered with the University Computer Center to be the venue for their first joint meeting of two groups – the Computing and Archiving Research Environment (COARE) and the Philippine Research, Education, and Government Information Network (PREGINET), last November 12, 2019.
The COARE project serves as a high-performance cloud computing facility catering to students, researchers and data analysts, while PREGINET serves as the sole research and education network of the country. Speakers from ASEAN and European research groups delivered remote messages and presentations on topics related to computing, research and educational infrastructures networks.
(Originally reported from DOST-ASTI’s website: https://asti.dost.gov.ph/communications/news-articles/dost-asti-holds-first-joint-coare-and-preginet-stakeholders-meeting/)